Proven Techniques for Rodent-Proofing Your Home

Are you tired of sharing your home with unwanted guests? Did you know that Somerset has been experiencing a rise in rodent infestations, with a 15% increase in reported cases last year alone?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this guide, we will share proven techniques to rodent-proof your home and make it a sanctuary for you and your family.

By using simple strategies like sealing entry points, proper food storage, maintaining cleanliness, eliminating clutter, and taking outdoor prevention measures, you can create a rodent-free environment that you can truly call your own.

Say goodbye to those pesky intruders and reclaim your home in Somerset today!

Sealing Entry Points

Seal all potential entry points in your home to prevent rodents from gaining access. Rodents are always searching for warm and cozy spaces to call their own, and your home could be their next target. Take the necessary steps to create a barrier that will keep them out.

Inspect your home for any cracks or gaps in walls, floors, and foundations. Use weatherstripping and sealant to close off these openings and ensure a rodent-free environment.

Proper Food Storage

To further prevent rodents from gaining access to your home, you should properly store your food items. Make sure to store all food in airtight containers to keep rodents from smelling and reaching it.

Avoid leaving food out on countertops or in open packages. Keep your pantry organized and clean, regularly disposing of expired items.

Maintaining Cleanliness

Keep your home clean and free from potential rodent attractants by regularly cleaning up spills, wiping down surfaces, and removing any clutter. Maintaining cleanliness is crucial in preventing rodents from infesting your home. Here are some tips to help you in this endeavor:

  • Dispose of garbage properly and keep trash bins tightly sealed.
  • Clean up food crumbs and spills immediately.
  • Store food in airtight containers to prevent easy access for rodents.

Eliminating Clutter

One key step in rodent-proofing your home is to ensure that you eliminate clutter. Clutter not only provides hiding places for rodents but also creates an environment that they find attractive.

Outdoor Prevention Measures

Ensure that you inspect and seal all potential entry points around the exterior of your home to prevent rodents from gaining access.

Here are some outdoor prevention measures you can take to keep rodents away from your property:

  • Trim tree branches that are near your home to prevent rodents from using them as bridges.
  • Install wire mesh or metal barriers around the perimeter of your garden to keep rodents out.
  • Keep your garbage bins securely closed to avoid attracting rodents with food waste.